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12-17 22:16:32 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8207
导读:Four Don'ts When Dealing With Recruiters在和招聘人员打交道的时候不能做的四件事情What's the first step to getting a job interview? Getting past the recruiter.得到工作面试的第一步是什么?通过招聘人员的那一关。Recruiters are usually your first contact with a potential employer. And they often decide whether your resume lands on the hiring manager's desk or in a far-off filing cabinet.招聘人员通常都是你和潜在雇主的第一次接触。而他们能决定将你的简历放在人力资源经理的桌子上还是锁在角落的文件柜中。While it's important to know the basics of what r

Four Don'ts When Dealing With Recruiters

What's the first step to getting a job interview? Getting past the recruiter .

Recruiters are usually your first contact with a potential employer. And they often decide whether your resume lands on the hiring manager's desk or in a far-off filing cabinet .

While it's important to know the basics of what recruiters do, you also need to know what they DON'T do. After all, you don't want an inappropriate request to ruin your chances for an interview.

Here are four things you shouldn't ask of a recruiter.

Don't Be Overly Friendly  不要过度友好。

Sure, recruiters are usually warm, friendly and helpful. After all, it's their job to put you at ease and guide you through the hiring process. But they're professional colleagues, and it's crucial

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