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12-16 13:57:29 来源:http://www.qz26.com 自荐信格式   阅读:8394
导读:P.O. Box 60028, Huaihai Road District Yangzhou University, Jiangsu, 225001 Cell:13852409375 Xiangbin Bu Dear Sir/Madam: I am a senior at Yangzhou University and expect to graduate in July 2006. I take the liberty of writing you to apply for a position in your hospital.Majoring in Gynecology and Obstetrics Sciences, I have been doing great in it! I performed well in both fundamental courses such as probability and statistics and major-related courses. Thank

P.O. Box 60028, Huaihai Road District
Yangzhou University, Jiangsu, 225001
Xiangbin Bu
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am a senior at Yangzhou University and expect to graduate in July 2006. I take the liberty of writing you to apply for a position in your hospital.

Majoring in Gynecology and Obstetrics Sciences, I have been doing great in it! I performed well in both fundamental courses such as probability and statistics and major-related courses. Thanks to my hard working and firm grasp of knowledge, I performed well in my main courses in the past three consecutive years. Also worth mentioning is my Computer proficiency. I have been the clerk of network of my school . What’s more, I have been paying close attention to improving abilities and skills of dealing with real world problems throughout the college life. Through various practical activities and part-time jobs, I have substantially strengthened my skills of problem-solving and communication.

As far as my personality is concerned, I am an enthusiastic and dedicated person who would never yield to difficulties easily. I am willing to work hard and long independently as well in my work team to accomplish the task at the best level. In addition, I have inquisitive and analytical mind, tact and good sense of humor.

Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which provides further details regarding my educational backgrounds and achievements. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I could do to facilitate your assessment. If I am hired, I will prove myself one of the most valuable assets you ever have in your business.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Your prompt reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,
Xiangbin Bu www.qz26.com






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