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12-15 15:01:16 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信写作   阅读:8747
导读: Each employer want to hire some talent they can, and is versatile. The following cover letter is a job these two professional cover letter writing. And can see that this is an honest cover letter for college students is necessary. Anderson, students also play a very good reference for the proposed individual job seekers should write good letter read.Distinguished leadership of the company: I have learned based on your established professional and job

     Each employer want to hire some talent they can, and is versatile. The following cover letter is a job these two professional cover letter writing. And can see that this is an honest cover letter for college students is necessary. Anderson, students also play a very good reference for the proposed individual job seekers should write good letter read.

Distinguished leadership of the company:
I have learned based on your established professional and job requirements, I think I can fully qualified for your job. In this connection, I would like to join your company as your company's employees. Contribution to the development of your company's own strength.

First, I have a physical profession, the legal profession both professional background, work for your company's needs, my main candidates XXX XXXXX staff technician or two positions.

1, I learned in college as a physics major. Theoretical knowledge related to the physical conduct a careful, solid learning, while elective courses related to computer professional. Phase of the study by the University, I am in the electrical circuit, radio, computer programming, computer networks, and other aspects of knowledge laid a solid foundation. After graduation, I engaged in physical education in secondary schools for 7 years, and participated in the school where the computer classroom, the physical laboratory set up, maintenance. I By understanding your company is a subsidiary XXX XX interactive platform for the media, their work includes data upload, permissions distribution, network links, and maintenance. The main use of computer networks, programming and other knowledge, such as Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash and so on. And I used this knowledge in the learning process has involved the work of master and have good practical skills.

I went to your firm in the process of understanding, XXX there are job vacancies, if I can enter the sector, certainly well qualified for the work entrusted by the leadership. I have to do is to grasp the idea of the work XXX "complementarity" principle, the existence of network technology, fast updates, professional and strong character. Work in specific applications according to technical requirements related to XXX and characteristics, combined with my knowledge of the master, a careful analysis concluded that he can do what work and what the actual processing of a temporary difficulty, who is temporarily unable to work is competent, step by step, there are plans to give full play to their advantage; shortfall replenish; do not know where to seriously study, in the shortest period of time to adapt to their own work, while seeking a higher level of breakthrough in their work will be done better.

2, I learned in graduate professional law and obtained a lawyer qualifications. I have a solid legal basis, through the law firm and in corporate practice in the period of time, so I have a certain ability to deal with legal practice. XXXXXX Co., Ltd. since its establishment, have been expanding their business to expand. There are numerous legal issues involved, I passed understand and analyze your company's legal affairs involving the relative differences can be divided into two types: one for the External Legal Services (the key for anyone outside the company's behavior), then Legal Services for the internal (focusing on the behavior of company employees), which can be classified outside the grounds of legal affairs and external professional legal counsel handling the litigation class-based review of foreign affairs and other major contracts related to legal matters, and by the XXXXX Department of internal staff based mainly deal involving reporting, insurance claims, dispute resolution and other routine legal matters. External Legal Services has complete power to complete, while many domestic legal issues are due to lack of relevant staff, and there certainly will not be perfected. These include, personnel management, the release of various regulatory documents and so on. Work in these areas, since most of the staff do not have the relevant professional legal knowledge and in the process of dealing with relevant expression of the text is not tight, or lack of understanding the current legal updates, leaving the revised dynamic occurs in many regulatory documents Content lag. These are likely to be hidden in future lead to legal disputes. These problems need to have good legal basis for the staff to handle. For example, I have seen other places in the document XXX imprecise expression of the fact that I understand some important rules and regulations within the latest legislation as not to make changes based on the emergence of the lag phenomenon. I hope with my legal knowledge to be handled for the company in XXXXX internal Ministry of Legal Affairs of the qualified staff for the good in the internal legal relations.

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