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12-15 14:59:53 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信写作   阅读:8304
导读: Many job seekers neglect to write personal cover letter. Cover letter and resume are different. CV is usually passed on job seekers professional skills, comprehensive quality information. The cover letter that you are the main differences with other candidates, your own strengths and expertise, understanding, and so on for the position. This is the cover letter is important. So do not forget to write a cover letter. Therefore, informed position cover

      Many job seekers neglect to write personal cover letter. Cover letter and resume are different. CV is usually passed on job seekers professional skills, comprehensive quality information. The cover letter that you are the main differences with other candidates, your own strengths and expertise, understanding, and so on for the position. This is the cover letter is important. So do not forget to write a cover letter. Therefore, informed position cover letter points out the channels of information, job, the reason candidates, but also to write to my advantage. Of course, you can also add your company to the industry and unique insights that can contribute to the company what to do and so on. When writing a cover letter, the contents of the principle of simplicity. Recruitment unit will not have much time to read a long letter of application. Each can write a key, highlight the job-related training and experience of candidates, the project experience.

Cover letter layout should not be too colorful fancy design, the appearance of the format to be clean, giving the feeling of a glance. For different companies, you can prepare different cover letter. Do not get a monotonous, formulaic cover letters, it will only make hiring offensive. Cover letter no typos can occur, the statement is not fluent, etc., so people just let the wastebasket. Unless you compare the word is written in bad handwriting or cover letter as far as possible rather than printing. Note neat handwriting, not scratchy. Write a satisfactory letter of application which should not be ignored. Here we look at a sample cover letter for reference:

Dear × × × managers (or leaders, according to the nature of business to determine the title):

I am pleased to learn from the job site you are looking for the post of software engineer. If companies want to find a vibrant, energetic, skilled young people in software development, I am confident that competent and has been looking forward to the opportunity to join your company. (Note informed of job information sources, job)

According to my understanding, the main responsibilities of software engineers is to design, modeling, development, testing, maintenance and management software products meet the demand requirements. Software engineers need not only involved in the project requirement analysis, system framework and kernel module design, development corresponding software modules, the preparation of project documentation and other software development work, should also have good interpersonal communication skills, team spirit and excellent learning capacity. (Describing the understanding of the post. Avoid pretend to understand, trick, abuse of terminology, the cover letter of the problems are more common.)

Shaohua years just as I step, about information management from the University of XXXX and information systems major. My alma mater, though not a national key university, but I love my alma mater. Alma mater, "diligent, self-seeking, innovative" motto has always been the motto of my college life practice. Lessons learned in the strict teachers and friends and their own efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge and grasp of the management system, information systems, databases, data structures and other relevant theory; master the software development process; familiar with J2EE; familiar with SQL Server , MySQL and other databases. I have worked in college several software projects, as follows:

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