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12-17 22:15:44 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8492
导读:7. What are your future goals?Avoid, “I would like the job you advertised.” Instead, give long-range goals.8. What are your strengths?Present at least three and relate them to the company and job you are interviewing for.9. What are your weaknesses?Don't say that you don't have any. Try not to cite personal characteristics as weaknesses, but be ready to have one if the interviewer presses. Turn a negative into a positive answer: “

7. What are your future goals?

Avoid, “I would like the job you advertised.” Instead, give long-range goals.

8. What are your strengths?

Present at least three and relate them to the company and job you are interviewing for.

9. What are your weaknesses?

Don't say that you don't have any. Try not to cite personal characteristics as weaknesses, but be ready to have one if the interviewer presses. Turn a negative into a positive answer: “I am sometimes intent on completing an assignment and get too deeply involved when we are late.”


1. If you could start your career again, what would you do differently?

Nothing … I am happy today, so I don't want to change my past.

2. What career options do you have at the moment?

“I see three areas of interest…” Relate those to the position and industry.

3. How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?

Think carefully about your answer and relate it to your career accomplishments.(完)

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