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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8905
导读:由于某些原因,你可能不想接受这个职位,或者在这之前你已经找到个更好的工作。所以在接到被录用的通知时,一定要坦白告诉对方你的决定。谢绝职位时,可以诚恳地说出自己的想法,并要感谢对方录用自己。下面是一些谢绝职务时常用的句型表达:1) I am sorry but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs / more right for me./ more interesting to me.很抱歉,我刚接受了一个我认为更符合我需要的/更适合我的/更感兴趣的工作。 2) I really appreciate your offer, but I must decline it./www.bb2s.com非常感谢贵公司的录用,但我不得不拒绝这份工作。3) Frankly speaking, I have been thinking that the position is not right for me afte


  1) I am sorry but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs / more right for me./ more interesting to me.


  2) I really appreciate your offer, but I must decline it./www.bb2s.com


  3) Frankly speaking, I have been thinking that the position is not right for me after the interview.


  4) I really think that position suits my education background better.


  5)I don't want to accept a position that I don't think I will be happy in/offers me too little salary/ can't supply me with an apartment.


  Your words should be professional and courteous. You may be turning down this position, but you might want to be considered for future opportunities. Savvy (有见识的) job seekers use every possible chance to thank each person with whom you interviewed and wish them and their company continued success.

Tag:英语面试面试英语自我介绍,英语面试问题求职笔试面试 - 英语面试
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