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10-15 23:59:20 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8482
导读:1. X is a uniform distribution random variable between [0,1], Y=Ln(x). What is the range of values Y can take, and Y's probability distribution function.2. X and Y are independent normal distribution random variables with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Prove that Z=X+Y is also a normal distribution random variable. What's Z's mean and standard deviation? What's the correlation coefficience between X and Z.3. A binary random variable is a

1. X is a uniform distribution random variable between [0,1], Y=Ln(x). What i
s the range of values Y can take, and Y's probability distribution function.

2. X and Y are independent normal distribution random variables with mean 0 a
nd standard deviation 1. Prove that Z=X+Y is also a normal distribution rando
m variable. What's Z's mean and standard deviation? What's the correlation co
efficience between X and Z.

3. A binary random variable is a random variable that takes only 2 values 0 a
nd 1. A and B are binary random vriables with
Probability(A=1) = 0.3
Probability(B=1) = 0.5
What is the min and max correlation between A and B.

4. Find all solutions to the following ordinary differetial equations.

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