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英文简历模板:Technology Mechanical Engineer

10-16 00:06:50 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历模板   阅读:8840
导读:Self-appraisal: Hardworking, responsible, good communication, familiar with AutoCAD, Solid works and Pro-e, know process and able to undertake designing and developing and managing projects. Job target: Target Industry : Machinery, Equipment, Heavy Industries, Instrument/Industry Automation, Automobile
英文简历模板:Technology Mechanical Engineer,标签:英文简历模板下载,英文简历怎么写,http://www.qz26.com


Hardworking, responsible, good communication, familiar with AutoCAD, Solid works and Pro-e, know process and able to undertake designing and developing and managing projects.

Job target:

Target Industry : Machinery, Equipment, Heavy Industries, Instrument/Industry Automation, Automobile

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