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10-16 00:06:50 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历模板   阅读:8425
导读:Strength·My special knowledge in marketing field covers marketing related information collection and analysis, consulting, promotion activities, customer service, planning and stratigies making.·Effective communication abilities and public relations skills.·Proven record of success in sales & marketing: expanding distribution, building market share, enhancing brand image, increasing sales.PersonalName: Stella LiGender:FemaleDate of Bir


·My special knowledge in marketing field covers marketing related information collection and analysis, consulting, promotion activities, customer service, planning and stratigies making.
·Effective communication abilities and public relations skills.
·Proven record of success in sales & marketing: expanding distribution, building market share, enhancing brand image, increasing sales.


Name: Stella Li   Gender:Female   Date of Birth:August 23th,1973
Martial Status:Married   Email Address:stellali@chinahr.com
Tel:(010)67183945-7869    Mobile Phone:13911216789


2000/10 - Present  XXXX  Marketing Manager
·Taking charge of Public Relationship, Marketing Promotion, Channel and new product design.
·Establishing a strong vision for meeting existing and future customer needs, and delivering long term leadership and profitability at the customer and value chain level.
·Providing guideline to market support function.
·Planning and carrying out advertising and promotion resources.

1998/10 - 2000/09  XXXX  Marketing Research Supervisor
·Promoted understanding and friendship between corporation and guests, mass media, communities, business partner.
·Collected and analyzed kind of business information.
·Organized marketing campaigns.
·Prepared advertising plans.

1998/07 - 1997/10  XXX  Strategic Marketing Internship
·3 month internship.
·Evaluated potential worldwide market demand for XXX.
·Conducted competitive analysis on alternative technologies/ competitors.
·Interviewed customers and industry analysts to obtain outside opinions.
·Provided strategic suggestions to optimize the roadmap of new product.


01/05/2001  University of Texas, Austin, USA  Marketing/IM MBA
01/06/1997  Tsinghua University, Beijing, China  Bachelor


Excellent writting skills, published four books on customer service, one book on financial analysis, and worked as a columnist for SHANGHAI STOCK NEWS for more than years.

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