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12-17 22:16:43 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8829
导读:离开。人力资源专家Rachel Ingegner在其著作"Ten Minutes to the Job Interview"说:“如果面试官的敌意让你感到恐惧或给你造成了身体上的伤害,我建议候选人礼貌的离开,然后向更高层的管理人员反应情况(前台或秘书可以将高层管理人员的信息提供给你)。如果该公司没有其他人可以反映情况,就马上尽快离开这家公司。如果一家公司的粗暴无礼已经成了一种行为规范,那这家公司也不会适合上班了。”10. Close strong. "Give a strong close at the end of the interview," states Lauren Milligan, founder of ResuMAYDAY.com. "Say, 'I'm very interested in this position and I sincerely thank you for your time an
离开。人力资源专家Rachel Ingegner在其著作"Ten Minutes to the Job Interview"说:“如果面试官的敌意让你感到恐惧或给你造成了身体上的伤害,我建议候选人礼貌的离开,然后向更高层的管理人员反应情况(前台或秘书可以将高层管理人员的信息提供给你)。如果该公司没有其他人可以反映情况,就马上尽快离开这家公司。如果一家公司的粗暴无礼已经成了一种行为规范,那这家公司也不会适合上班了。”

10. Close strong. "Give a strong close at the end of the interview," states Lauren Milligan, founder of ResuMAYDAY.com. "Say, 'I'm very interested in this position and I sincerely thank you for your time and insights today. If I am chosen to continue on in your recruiting process, will I have the opportunity to interview with other managers as well?' This shows you were able to deflect their bad attitude and are hungry for more. In these times, only the strong survive, so don't let someone's bad attitude throw you off your game!"
强势的结束。ResuMAYDAY.com 公司的创始人Lauren Milligan 说:“在面试结束的时候,表现强势一点。告诉面试官‘我对该职位很感兴趣,感谢您抽时间来面试我,并真诚的感谢您今天的真知灼见。但是,如果下次我还有机会来贵司复试,请问是否由其他的经理来面试我呢?’这样说表明对于他们恶劣的态度,你是有能力处理的,并且你追求的不止这些。这种情况下,只有强者才可以生存,所以不要因为别人恶劣的态度而失去了工作的机会。”

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