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10-16 00:00:09 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8384
导读:31.5 chefs to spend 1 hour and can do a meal, and asked four chefs make a meal and take the number of minutes?32. With the opposite of the meaning of the word discord which one? supportive, agreement ... ...33.stoke and smother the relationship between the equivalent of ...34. With the relationship between club and golf are the same: glove, and baseball, ball, and soccer, type, and book, board, and chess ...35., And facilitate the recent meaning of the wor

31.5 chefs to spend 1 hour and can do a meal, and asked four chefs make a meal and take the number of minutes?

32. With the opposite of the meaning of the word discord which one? supportive, agreement ... ...

33.stoke and smother the relationship between the equivalent of ...

34. With the relationship between club and golf are the same: glove, and baseball, ball, and soccer, type, and book, board, and chess ...

35., And facilitate the recent meaning of the word foil, expedite, extol, ...

36.gratuitous opposite of ...

37. Although the conflict was quelled (opinion of the agreement), but from past experience, the results are not optimistic, and then understand the sentence was intended to select a word (gre fill in the blank of the original title)

38. Not in conformity with the law of numbers: 64,54,42,31,20

39. All a are b, c is a, so c is b

40.open-ended a fence 100 meters long, two pillars of the interval of 20 meters, regardless of need Jigen columns?

41. Xiaohong eat saltine crackers, eating one after the remaining half to small-ming, Xiao-Ming, after eating one, he also had two, and asked that there are a few pieces of red?

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