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英文简历样本 机械电子工程

10-16 00:10:11 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8346
导读:Self Assessment: 1、 Use CAXA and AUTOCAD skillfully and have applied them to the transformation project of hydraulic system of 1700 rolling roughing mill in Hot rolling Factory of Wuhan Steel Corporation. 2、 Use Pro/E skillfully and have applied them to the projects of Fireproof Metallurgy Medicinal powder Factory and Hot rollin
英文简历样本 机械电子工程,标签:英文简历范文,个人简历模板,http://www.qz26.com
Self Assessment:


1、   Use CAXA and AUTOCAD skillfully and have applied them to the transformation project of hydraulic system of

1700 rolling roughing mill in Hot rolling Factory of Wuhan Steel Corporation.

2、   Use Pro/E skillfully and have applied them to the projects of Fireproof Metallurgy Medicinal powder Factory and

   Hot rolling Factory of Wuhan Steel Corporation.

3、   Use fluid simulation software --- FLUENT and Ansys skillfully and have applied them to the National Natural

 Science Fund Project. 

4、   Use SIEMENS S7-300 and WINCC skillfully and have applied them to the project of Fireproof Metallurgy

Medicinal powder Factory and hydraulic pressure AGC project.

5、   Be able to program using the VC++ higher order language and have applied it to the hydraulic pressure AGC


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