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01-30 00:44:25 来源:http://www.qz26.com 保险合同   阅读:8370
导读:6.Both parties agree that A shall own proprietary right pertaining to the literary works or achievements completed by B under the projects initiated or coordinated by A during the term of this Agreement. The ownership of intellectual property rights ( including but not limited to certain patents, trademarks, copyrights, technical information and know-how ) accrued from the literary works or achievements herein contained is subject to the relevant regulatio
6. Both parties agree that A shall own proprietary right pertaining to the literary works or achievements completed by B under the projects initiated or coordinated by A during the term of this Agreement. The ownership of intellectual property rights ( including but not limited to certain patents, trademarks, copyrights, technical information and know-how ) accrued from the literary works or achievements herein contained is subject to the relevant regulations and rules provided by A.
7. Expiration
At the expiration of the term of this agreement, the employment relationship shall automatically terminate without any condition. A new employment agreement shall be signed for the renewal and continuance of such relationship, if agreed to any by both parties.
8. Any matter or event not provided in the context of this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with "Employment Regulation for Personnel under Civil Contractual Relationship" (stipulated by Academia Sinica ) & "Employment Regulation for Personnel served in all Executive Yuan organizations under Civil Contractual Relationship".
9. Governing Language
The Chinese text of this Agreement shall be deemed the original. In the event of any dispute or misunderstanding as to the interp retation of the language or terms of this Agreement, the Chinese language version shall control.
10. Governing Law
Any dispute or controversy between the parties with respect to this agreement shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China. The parties hereby submit and consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Shih-Lin District Court.
11. In Witness whereof,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in three (3) counterparts on the date first above indicated, each such counterpart being deemed an original and all such counterparts together constituting one single instrument. The parties have delivered this Agreement, two for A ( the Central Administration Office and the Institute or Preparatory Office hereto ) and one for B.
Party A (signature):_________     Party B (signature):_________
Date:_________             Date:_________

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